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Exchange Students

To broaden students' international horizons and improve their cross-cultural communication competence, UIR sends excellent students every year to participate in exchange programs in overseas partner academic institutions. The past few years has seen a remarkable increase in the number of exchange students. Notably, among French majors, 80% of graduates and 50% of undergraduates pursue studies in France.

The University has made bold and successful attempts in talent cultivation pattern. UIR and Aalborg University in Denmark originated the joint master's degree program "China and International Relations (CIR)", which is a two-year program taught in English, with one year at Aalborg University and the other at UIR. Both sides send up to 12 exchange students and confer master's degree certificates upon graduation.

Each year, the University selects more than 20 graduate and undergraduate French majors as exchange students to go to University of Toulouse 1 Capitole, University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès, IEP Toulouse, and University of Picardie Jules Verne in France to study for a year; over 10 graduate and undergraduate Japanese majors go to Hiroshima University, Hiroshima City University, Ibaraki University, and Tokyo Keizai University to continue their learning for one semester or a whole academic year; two undergraduate students are chosen to study at Marietta College for a year; graduate students are offered the opportunity to conduct internship at Galilee International Management Institute for a semester.

According to its talent development objectives and internationalization endeavor as well as cooperation agreements with partner universities overseas, UIR accepts exchange students from these universities for undergraduate and graduate studies. Every year, exchange students from the United States, Denmark, France, Japan, etc. come to UIR to participate in the UIR-AAU joint master's program in "China and International Relations (CIR)" or study Chinese language and culture and international relations. By studying in the same classroom and sharing dormitory building with Chinese students, the international students have enriched campus life at UIR.